BEST Hair Vitamins

Who doesn't want healthy, shiny hair? I know I do! Living in Huntington Beach comes with the worst hard water.  Since moving there in 2017 I have had so many hair woes and struggles with trying to keep it moisturized, shiny and healthy. After some research I found SugarBearHair is the #1 hair care vitamin online since 2016!


I have been using them for a couple months and what I love most is they actually work. I attest the results by being the ground breaking first company to sell Vegan Hair Gummies! One hair gummy has as much Vitamin A as four cups of broccoli, as much Vitamin C as one cup of cranberries, and as much Vitamin B12 as four organic eggs. Cruelty free, and safe enough for many allergens. Wheat free, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, beef free, pork free, egg free, fish free and peanut free! Made in an allergen-free facility with half of the sugar content of other gummy vitamins! They really taste good too, so yummy! 

You save when you purchase multiple bottles, they accept AfterPay, and you get a free gift on multiples. Click the image below and find out all the amazing hair benefits these pills have to offer! They also selling sleep and multi-vitamin gummies but I have not tried those yet! 
